Відкритий урок

LESSON1 . Ways of travelling

-         to review some new lexical material
-         to revise grammar :The degrees of comparisons
-         to develop students’ lexical, reading and speaking skills
Equipment: a textbook, presentation ppt, pictures.
I.                  INTRODUCTION
1.     Greeting  T: Good morning children! Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today?
2.     Aim   T. The topic of our today’s lesson is “Travelling”. At this lesson you’ll learn the new words, word combinations, read the text, exchange the information on the basis of the text and a given situation.
3. Warming up  T: Match the English proverbs with their Ukrainians equivalents:
1.He that travels far knows much.     
             a Бідному зібратися – тільки підперезатися.
2.Poor man’s luggage is always light.    
b Їдеш на день, хліба бери на тиждень.
3.Every departure has an arrival.   
                          Хто багато подорожує – багато знає.
4.For your day trip’s bread take a week’s spread.   
Усе добре, що на добре виходить.
II.               MAIN PART
1.     Revision of some lexical units
T: What things do you associate with the word “travelling”?

2.     Reading
1.    Pre-reading activity
T: Let’s watch the presentation
Kindergarten - Means Of Transport - Learn Series For Kids
T: Let’s make the sentences. Write down them.
a)    People can travel by plane.


b) T: Talk about different means of travelling. Use the words: fast, slow, comfortable, cheap, expensive, easy, dangerous.
  Travelling by train is slower than by plane.
Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling.

2.    T: Let’s read the text “Travelling”.
People are fond of travelling. They travel for pleasure or on business. People can travel by plane or train, by boat or ship, by car or bus, by underground or tram, on horseback or on foot.
Large ships, modern airplanes and comfortable trains carry passen­gers to different parts of their native country and abroad. Railway stations and airports are always busy places in summer and on holi­days. People have packed their luggage into their suitcases, bags or rucksacks. They are hurrying to visit their relatives or friends.
Travelling is very pleasant, interesting and useful. We go sight­seeing in different cities and visit well-known cathedrals, mu­seums, theatres and cinemas. We see places full of wonders. We enjoy nature and learn more about people's traditions. Travelling broadens our mind!

3.    After-reading activities
T. Read and complete the sentences.
1. People are fond of_________________ .
2. They travel for______________ or on_____________ .
3. People have packed their_________ into their__________ .
4. Travelling______________ our mind!

T: Read and match.
b) Make sentences with the word combinations.
1. modern                     a) trains
2. to go                         b) one's luggage
3. comfortable               c) airplanes
4. to enjoy                     d) well-known museums
5. to pack                     e) sightseeing
6. to learn                      f) nature
7. to visit                       g) our mind
8. places                       h) about people's traditions
9. to travel                     i) full of wonders
10. to broaden                j) on horseback
4. Physical warming up
We All Go Travelling By (UK)
I spy with my little eye,
You can hear with your little ear,
A yellow school bus goes beep,beep,beep.
And we all go travelling by bye,bye.
And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eye,
You can hear with your little ear,
A bright red truck goes rumble-rumble-rumble.
A yellow school bus goes beep,beep,beep.
And we all go travelling by bye,bye.
And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eye,
You can hear with your little ear,
A long blue train goes chuff-chuff-chuff.
A bright red truck goes rumble-rumble-rumble.
A yellow school bus goes beep,beep,beep.
And we all go travelling by bye,bye.
And we all go travelling by.

I spy with my little eye,
You can hear with your little ear,
A shiny pink bike goes ring-ring-ring.
A long blue train goes chuff-chuff-chuff.
A bright red truck goes rumble-rumble-rumble.
A yellow school bus goes beep,beep,beep.
And we all go travelling by bye,bye.
And we all go travelling by.

A little green boat goes chug-a-lug-a lug.
A big white plane goes neeeeee-ow.
A fast orange car goes vroom-vroom-vroom.
Two purple shoes go tap-tap-tap.
5. Speaking
1. T. Talk about your favourite means of travelling
My favourite means of travelling is…
It is…
I like to travel by…
2.T. Work in pairs. Make up questions and ask your partner.
1. you/travelling/Do/like?
2. favourite/means/is/of/your/What/transport?
III.           SUMMING UP. Marks
T: The lesson is over. Thank you for your work during the lesson. Your hometask is to
write about your favourite means of travelling. Use the questions to help you.
1. Do you like to travel?                                           
2. What means of travelling do you like best of all?
3. When did you travel last time?
4. Did you enjoy your travelling? Why?

Додаток 1. 

Додаток 2.

LESSON 2 .   Travelling by Plane

Objectives: Practical
      to revise the words on the topic ;
      to introduce new words and words combinations
      to revise grammar : the degrees of comparisons
       to develop reading, listening, writing, speaking skills
         to develop creative abilities
      to develop thinking, interactive communication
Social: to teach pupils the rules of etiquette .  
Equipment: textbook, cards, presentation ppt, pictures.
I.                  INTRODUCTION
1.     Greeting  T: Good morning children! Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? Is it a nice or a nasty day today? What do you like to do in such weather? You know it’s winter now. Is winter a good time for travelling?
2.     Aim   T. The topic of our today’s lesson is “Travelling by Plane”. At this lesson you’ll learn the new words, word combinations, read the text, exchange the information on the basis of the text and a given situation.
3.     Check on Homework
T. Ps 1-3Read about your favourite means of travelling.
Ps4-7Write the names of the pictures

Ps8-10  Write about different means of travelling.
Use the words: fast, slow, comfortable,
cheap, expensive, easy, dangerous.
  Travelling by train is slower than by plane.
Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling.
4.     Warm-up
T: Though winter time is not as good for travelling as summer, if you go to a railway station, a port or an airport in this country or abroad you’ll see hundreds of people who want to go somewhere and to get there as quickly as possible. Why do they travel?

People travel
They travel
To see the world
To make new friends
For pleasure
On business
To visit their relatives
To take part in sports competitions
Because their neighbours travel

II.               MAIN PART
1.     Matching
T: Listen “Travelling By Airplane From Kid Rhymes” (3.15)and match the words with their definitions

Hot air balloon
Space shuttle
Jet plane
Повітряна куля

2.     Reading
1)    Pre-reading activity
T: Using your experience say if the following statements are true or false.
What place can you see in the picture? What do you see in the picture? What are the people doing?

 2)    While-reading activity
T: Read the text

Since ancient times people have dreamed of flying in the sky. At first people flew in a balloon, and it was a great victory. In the 20th century airplanes appeared. The first airplanes were small and couldn'f fly very far. Nowadays the engineers make very big planes. They can fly a long way and carry passengers from one city to another and from one country to another. And it doesn't take them much time. Travelling to England, for example, lasts for three hours and a half and you can reach the USA in ten hours.
People who travel by plane arrive at the airport. They have to show their tickets and passports to the custom's officer. They usually tell him about the purpose of their journey. Then they check in at the check-in desk. A clerk weighs the luggage and gives the passenger a boarding pass. A traveller has to come two hours earlier to the airport if he doesn't want to miss the plane, and to get everything ready on time.
3)    Post-listening activity
Read and complete the sentences.
Since ancient times people have dreamed of______________ .
In the 20th century__________________________ .
Modern airplanes carry passengers from_________ to_____ and
from_____ to______ .
People who travel by plane arrive at____________ .
They have to show their tickets and passports to the_______.
6. Then they_____________________ .
7. A clerk weighs__________ and gives____________ .
8. A traveller has to come____________ to the airport.
 3. Physical warming up
We All Go Travelling By (UK)(4.45)
I spy with my little eye,
You can hear with your little ear,
A yellow school bus goes beep,beep,beep.
And we all go travelling by bye,bye.
And we all go travelling by.
4. Speaking
You see some statements. Have a class discussion. Talk about pros and cons of  travelling by plane. Write down your thoughts.
 1. The speed is very high.
 2. Sometimes travelling by plane is dangerous.
 3. The flight is very short.
 4. It depends on the weather. If it is cloudy you can spend many hours at the airport.
 5. We can see beautiful clouds  in the sky.
 6.It takes much time to get to the airport.

Group A: For                        Group B: Against

5. Describing a picture
T: Now it’s time for fun. I want you to relax a little. Some little incidents may happen during your journey. They may be funny and interesting.
                a)  Look at this picture and answer the questions.
-         Does Pete feel himself well?
-         Does his neighbour feel well?
-         Is she thin like him?
-         Does she want to move up?
-         Can Pete sleep or read?
-         Can he get bus-sick?
-         Would you like to travel like Pete?

b)    Describe this funny situation.
T: The lesson is over. Thank you for your work during the lesson. Your hometask is complete the story and write it down. Use the words: seat, flight, comfortable, drinks, could, went, spent.
Last summer Nick___his holidays in the Crimea. He______there by plane. His plane was____     and modern. Nick's____ was near the window but he____      
see only clouds in the sky. The stewardess offered the passengers
soft_____. The_____         was very pleasant.

Додаток 1.

Презентація - Додаток 2.


LESSON 3 .   Travelling by Train
Objectives: Practical
      to enrich students’ vocabulary
         to revise grammar : the degrees of comparisons
       to develop reading, listening, writing, speaking skills
         to work in pairs
         to develop creative abilities
         to develop thinking, interactive communication
Social: to broaden mind
Equipment: textbook, cards, presentation ppt, pictures.
I.                  INTRODUCTION
1.Greeting  T: Good morning children! Today we are going to continue speaking about different ways of travelling. At this lesson we’ll operate words and word-combinations in different situations concerning this topic.
2. Aim   T. The topic of our today’s lesson is “Travelling by Train”. At this lesson you’ll learn the new words, word combinations, read the text, exchange the information on the basis of the text and a given situation.
3. Check on Homework
T. Your hometask was complete the story and write it down. Use the words: seat, flight, comfortable, drinks, could, went, spent.
Last summer Nick___his holidays in the Crimea. He______there by plane. His plane was____     and modern. Nick's____ was near the window but he____      
see only clouds in the sky. The stewardess offered the passengers
soft_____. The_____         was very pleasant.
T. Listen and guess what is it? Transportation Sounds English(3.04)
T: Let’s learn the poem about travelling.
I like to ride in a railway train
 Through tunnels dark and wide.
Over the bridges crossing the river
I feel so safe inside.

When water looks very smooth,
 I like to sail by ship or boat.
A sea voyage is very good,
When you feel a sea breeze blow.

But an airplane is the best of all,
 It flies so very high
That people look like tiny dots,
And clouds go sailing by.

II.               MAIN PART
1.    Making up sentences
T: Some people like to travel by plane or by car, some like cycling or hiking. To my mind this choice depends on character, health, aims of traveling. Say which ways of travelling you like and dislike and why. You may use this pattern. Write down your sentences.

I like (dislike) travelling by…because …
Travelling by
2.     Reading
1.     Pre-reading
Answering the questions
1.     Have you ever travelled by train?
2.     Where did you go?
3.     Who did you go with?
4.     Did you like your trip?
5.     What did you see through the train window?
2.     Reading
Molly: How are we going to travel, Mum?
Mrs Parker: We are going to travel by train.
Molly: And where do the trains stop?
Mrs Parker: They stop at the railway stations. Hurry up, Molly!
Molly: I'm tired. And my legs hurt.
Mrs Parker: Don't be a bother! We must come in time before the train starts. It will not wait for us, and we will be late. Then we can miss the train.
Molly: Can't the engine-driver wait for us?
Mrs Parker: No, he can't. All the passengers must take their
seats in time. Then the engine gives the whistle and the train starts.
Molly: Can I have a seat by the window?
Mrs Parker: Sure. Then you will see the country you are travelling through and enjoy the countryside.
3.     Post-reading
T. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
1. Where do the trains stop?
2. Why do the passengers usually hurry up?
3. What happens to a person who is late for the train?
4. When must the passengers take their seats?
5. How do people know that the train starts?
6. Is travelling by train comfortable or not?
7. Who drives the train?
3. Physical warming up
Transportation Song by Peter Weatheral

4. Speaking
You see some statements. Have a class discussion. Talk about pros and cons of  travelling by train. Write down your thoughts.
    1. We can go by train in any weather.
 2. The trip is very long.
3. We can travel comfortably in a sleeping-car.
 4. The speed is not high.
5. It is easy to get to the railway station.
6. Sometimes the roads are bad.
Group A: For                        Group B: Against
4.     Listening
Buying a train ticket (1.28)
1.     Pre-Listening
Train – where   when   time   how much
Where do we go?
When does the train arrive?
How much does the tickets cost?
2.     While listening
1. Where does the woman travel to?
3.     How much does the tickets cost?
4.     What time is the next train?
5.     What platform is it?

T: The lesson is over. Thank you for your work during the lesson. Read and complete the sentences. Use the words: travel, slower, could, read, dining-car, fields, summer.
Travelling by train is________________ than by plane. But Mary likes
to by train. She went to her grandmother by train last___ . Her train was comfortable with a      . She____________________________ see beautiful___       and forests through the window and   books.

b) Write about your travelling by train. Use the words: to go for a trip, a fast train, a slow train, to make new friends, a sleeping-car, a dining-car, to look through the window, to read books.

Додаток 1.

Додаток 2.

Додаток 3.

Презентація - Додаток 4.


LESSON 4 . London Transport
·               to revise the words on the topic «London Transport»
to work in pairs
practice the patterns with to , two,too
to develop reading, listening, writing, speaking skills
      •         to develop creative abilities
to develop thinking, interactive communication
Social: to teach pupils to be responsible .  
Equipment: textbook, A. Nesvit “We learn English” 5 клас,   cards                                                                   
I.                  INTRODUCTION
1.     Greeting  T: Good morning children! Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today?
2.Aim T: “The topic of our lesson is London Transport. By the end of the lesson   you will be able express your thoughts on the topic “London Transport”.
 T: “Let’s start our lesson with a poem “Travelling”
I like to ride in railway train
Through tunnels dark and wide.
Over the bridges crossing the river,
I feel so safe inside.
When water looks very smooth,
I like to sail by ships or boat.
A sea voyage is very good,
When you feel a sea breeze blows.
But airplane is the best of all,
It flies so very high
That people look like tiny dots,
And clouds go sailing by.
 3. Check on Homework
T. Your hometask was  read and complete the sentences. Use the words: travel, slower, could, read, dining-car, fields, summer.
Travelling by train is________________ than by plane. But Mary likes
to _____by train. She went to her grandmother by train last___          . Her train was comfortable with a__________________________ . She____      see beautiful___    and forests through the window and______________________ books.
b) Write about your travelling by train. Use the words: to go for a trip, a fast train, a slow train, to make new friends, a sleeping-car, a dining-car, to look through the window, to read books.
T: - Let’s refresh in our memory all the words combinations with the words “to travel   by”. Pupil 1 will work near the blackboard and the others will help him.
 To travel by:           -   Plane
                                           -   Car
                                           -   Ship
                                           -   Taxi
                                           -   Boat
                                           -   Double-decker;
- Train
II.               MAIN PART
1.Vocabulary Practice
T. Listen to the text and find out the means of transport (2.45)
Transportation (2) - Learn English(CD)
Keys: on foot,walking,bicycle,car,van,track,taxi,horse,ship,boat,train,plane
T: -Now, let’s together answer the question’’ Why do we travel?’’ Write down the sentences
                                      to learn more about people’s traditions

           Why do we travel?

 to visit
new cities


           for pleasure          for business               to see places         to enjoy nature

2.    Oral Practice  
  T: - Let’s ask the questions about your travelling and “Microphone”   means of travelling.
   (Interview)         (P1 – near the blackboard answer the questions)
P1   What is your favourite means of transport?         (Ps – ask the questions)
P2 My favourite ways of travelling is…
It is…
I like to travel by…

3.  Listening                   
1.     T: - Imagine, please, that right now you are at the railway station
Buying a train ticket (1.28)
1.     Pre-Listening
Train – where   when   time   how much
Where do we go?
When does the train arrive?
How much does the tickets cost?
2.     While listening
1. Where does the woman travel to?
3.     How much does the tickets cost?
4.     What time is the next train?
5.     What platform is it?

4. Physical warming up
Transportation Song by Peter Weatheral

***5. Listening
Pre-listening Activity  
T: - And now imagine, please, that we are already in London – the capital of England. What do you know about London?
P1: It’s a big city.
P2: It stands on the river Thames.
While-listening Activity                   
 T: - Now, let’s listen and try to understand everything you have heard about London.
London is the capital of Britain. It is one of the most interesting places in the world. About eight million people live here. There is a big river in London – the Thames. There are a lot of bridges over the river. Tower Bridge is the most famous. It is more than 100 years old.
There are lots of places of interest in London. From Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. From Tower Bridge you can see the Tower of London. It is a museum now. There are hundreds of interesting collections in it. There is a famous clock in London called Big Ben.
You can see splendid churches in the city. Westminster Abbey is one of the oldest royal churches. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the mot wonderful classical church in Britain. 
London’s park and gardens are really beautiful. In Regent’s park there is the Zoo. It is one of the biggest and most famous zoos in the world.
There are about 10 thousand streets in London with a lot of shops and cafes, cinemas and theatres, galleries and museums. Big red buses run up and down the streets. The oldest metro in the world, called Tube, is here in London, too.
                   Pоst-listening Activity
 T: Let’s guess quiz.
                                                 London Quiz

1.     London is the ….. of England.
a)   centre
b)   capital
c)    part
2.     The famous clock in the London calls…
a)   Big Boll
b)   Big Doll
c)    Big Ben
3.     More than… live in London.
a)   2 mln
b)   18 mln
c)    8 mln
4.     From Tower Bridge you can see…
a)   St. Paul’s Cathedral
b)   The London Zoo
c)    The Tower of London
5.     The Queen lives in…
a)   the Tower of London
b)   Buckingham Palace
c)    Westminster Abbey
6.     Westminster Abbey is famous…
a)   museum
b)   royal church
c)    circus
7.     In Regent’s Park there is the biggest… in the world.
a)   metro
b)   clock
c)    zoo
8.     There are… in the centre of London
a)   Piccadilly Circus
b)   Trafalgar Square
c)    Regent’s Park
9.     There are… streets in London.
a)   6
b)   1 mln
c)    10 thousands
1 b, 2 c, 3 c, 4 c, 5 b, 6b, 7 c, 8,b 9 c.
6. Reading    
  T: - Now, you’ll work in 3 groups. Read your text and try to translate it into Ukrainian.  Then, you’ll share the information you have learnt with your friends.
  Group A: London Buses
  Group B: London Underground (Tube)
  Group C: Taxi
A. London Buses
If you are on holiday in London, travel by bus. London buses are called double-deckers. They have a driver and a conductor. Look at the sign on the front, on the side or on the back of the bus to know where the bus is going. Read a notice board at the bus-stop to know the places on the bus route.
When you get on the bus, the conductor says, "Fares, please." You say where you want to go, he tells you how much to pay, you pay him and he gives you a ticket. Keep it till the end of your trip!
B. London Underground (Tube)
You can get to most places in London very quickly by the under ground. There are many lines on the London Underground. All the lines are of a different color on the map. Buy the ticket from the ticket-office at the Underground station, or from the automatic machine. Keep the ticket till the end of your journey.
C. Taxi
If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by-taxi. Do you know what a London taxi looks like? Their special shape and black color are famous all over the world. The black cabs as they are called have become the symbol of London. Now the taxi drivers have their cabs in different colors - red, green, even silver. And soon the shape is going to change, too. London drivers have green badges on their jackets. They have to know all the routes around the capital perfectly.

III.           SUMMING UP. Marks
T: Do exercise 5 p. 125
Too- також
Summarizing   and Marks
T: - What did we do at our lesson today?
           - What did you like the most?
           - You worked well and your marks are…
           - Let’s finish our lesson with the words.
                               I am a good pupil.
                               I am a better pupil.
                         I am the best pupil.

Додаток 1.

Презентація - Додаток 2.


LESSON 5 . Travelling During Your Holidays
·               to revise the words on the topic «Travelling»
to work in pairs
to develop reading, listening, writing, speaking skills
      •         to develop creative abilities
to develop thinking, interactive communication
Social: to teach pupils to be honest .  
Equipment: textbook, A. Nesvit “We learn English” 5 клас,   cards                                                                   

I.                   INTRODUCTION
T: Good morning, children! How are you? Are you ready to start our work? Today we are going to continue speaking about different ways of travelling, about their advantages and disadvantages, about your likes and dislikes in travelling.

II.               WARM UP
T: Let’s read and learn the poem about travelling.


Over the mountains,                    Over the river,                                     
Over the plains,                             Over the bays
Over the rivers                            Ferryboats travel
Here come trains                         Every day.
      Carrying passengers,                  Watching the seagulls,      
      Carrying mail,                            Laughing with friends
      Over the country                       I'm always sorry,
      Here come trains.                       When the trip ends.

III.           MAIN PART
1.     Making up sentences
T: Look at the table and make up sentences using the pattern.
My mother
My father
My friend
My grandparents
Our pupils
to travel

2.     Listening
a)    Pre-listening activity
T: Explain how the choice of any way of travelling depends on:
   the traveller's age, profession, character, health and aims;
   the distance the traveller is going to cover;
   the place he is planning to visit.

b) While-listening activity
T: Listen to the short descriptions of different ways of travelling and guess each kind of travelling. Take HO 1 with a table and put the numbers of the descriptions into it.

1.     It is the fastest way of travelling. It can take you from town or city to another in no time. The seats are comfortable. That’s a pity but sometimes you can see vey little from the windows. The things are too small to see them. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can’t travel by it. (by plane)
2.     This way of travelling is fast. You can stop at any place you like and go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families travel by it. (by car)
3.     This is the slowest way of travelling. Both young and old people like it. You needn’t worry about the tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit any places in such a way. (on foot)
4.     This way of travelling is fast. The carriages are comfortable. It is so pleasant to travel in them. You can see a lot of interesting things from carriage windows. You can make a long journey on land by it. (by train)
5.     This way of travelling is not very fast. Some people enjoy travelling by it. But others don’t like it at all. Usually people travel by it in summer when they are on holidays. You can see many interesting things standing on deck. You can see seagulls and waves. (by ship)

HO 1
By plane
By train
By ship
By car
On foot

3.     Checking up the hometask
T. Tell us about London Transport
4. Reading
 a) Look at the pictures and talk about the places children visited last summer / are going to visit next summer, b) Speak in class. Talk about your last/next holidays.
1) The children visited Rivne last summer. They went on the excur­sions there. They saw   .
2) The children are going to visit London next summer. They are going to travel by train. They are going to visit some museums there.

2. Listen, read and act out the dialogues.
I.Jane: What are your plans for the coming holidays, Ann? Ann: We are going to visit our grandparents in the country al first. We will travel by car. I think it is very comfortable. Then I'll have a rest at home. Maybe, we'll go on an excursion to one of the museums or visit another city.
J a n e: I have got good news for you and Dan! My grandparent-invite you to stay with them during these school holidays. Wh about travelling to England, then?
Ann: Oh, great! Let's go and tell Dan. He will be happy to hear that!
2. D a n: Hello, Steve! How was the trip? When did you get back?
S t e v e: At about nine o'clock in the morning.
Dan: Did you have a good time?
Steve: Yes, I did.
Dan: How did you get there?
S t e v e: By plane, of course. I like travelling by plane. It's very comfortable.
3.     After-reading
Read the dialogues (Ex. 2) and say who:
...has got good news for Ann and Dan.
... asks about the plans for the coming holidays.
... asks about the means of transport a person travelled by.
...tells his friend about his last trip.
...tells about the plans for the coming holidays.
...likes travelling by plane.
1. T: I know that each of you has a favourite way of travelling. Make up a short story about your favourite kind of travelling. Say:
   whether it is a comfortable way of travelling;
   whether it is interesting, exciting, adventurous, enjoyable, dangerous or safe;
   what advantages and disadvantages it has.
The plan will help you.

I prefer……………………………
Travelling by…………is………………….
When you travel by (on)…………….you can…………………..
Nevertheless travelling by (on)…………… its disadvantages: …………………….

2. Learning Strategies: Conversation Lab
1.Read the task.
2.Decide who will play the roles.
3.Think of some ideas.
4.Write notes.
5.Act out the dialogue.
Work in three groups. Act out the dialogues.
Travelling to England
The Tames invited you to stay with them in Brighton in summer.

Role Card A: Make a list of ten things to pack. Discuss your choice with your parents.
Role Card B: Talk with your friends and discuss how you are going to travel and why.
Role Card C: Introduce yourself to the Tames. Find out about them, and tell them about yourself.

IV.            SUMMING UP. Marks
1. Homework   
T: Do exercise 5 p. 127
Write a letter to Mr and Mrs Tame. Thank them for the invitation. Ask themto write you about the weather. Tell them when you arrive in England. Ask if they can meet you at the airport.
2. Summarizing   and Marks
T: - What did we do at our lesson today?
           - What did you like the most?
           - You worked well and your marks are…
           - Let’s finish our lesson with the words.
                               I am a good pupil.
                               I am a better pupil.
                         I am the best pupil.


LESSON 6Places to Visit
·               to revise the words on the topic «Travelling»
·               to revise grammar : prepositions of places
to work in pairs
to develop reading, listening, writing, speaking skills
       •         to develop creative abilities
to develop thinking, interactive communication
Social: to teach pupils to be attentive in the streets.
Equipment: textbook, A. Nesvit “We learn English” 5 ,   cards                                                                    

I.                  INTRODUCTION
1.     Greeting  T : Good morning, children! How are you? Are you ready to start our work? Today we are going to continue speaking about travelling, about their advantages and disadvantages, about your likes and dislikes in travelling
2.     Aim   T. The topic of our today’s lesson is “Places to Visit”. At this lesson you’ll learn the new words, word combinations, read the text, exchange the information on the basis of the text and a given situation.

II.               WARM UP
T: Let’s read and
    Yes, there is.
    Walk two blocks and turn right.
    It there a phone near here?
    Yes, there is.
    Walk two blocks and turn right.
    Is there a newspaper stand near here?
    Yes, there is.
    Yes, there is.
    Walk two blocks and turn right.
    Is there a coffee shop near here?
    Yes, there is.
    Yes, there is.
    Walk two blocks and turn left.
    Turn left, turn left.
    Walk two blocks and turn left.
    Turn left, turn right.
    Walk two blocks and turn right.
    You can't miss it.
Keys: turn right ,near,  turn left,
III.           MAIN PART
1.     Making up sentences
T: Look at the table and make up sentences using the pattern.
My mother
My father
My friend
My grandparents
Our pupils
to travel
2. Speaking /Checking up the hometask.
I prefer……………………………
Travelling by…………is………………….
When you travel by (on)…………….you can…………………..
Nevertheless travelling by (on)…………… its disadvantages: …………………….

a)    Pre-listening activity
T. Listen, read and act out the dialogue.
At the Museum
The children are in London. They are talking about their visit a museum.
Jane: Are you ready for tomorrow, Alex?
Alex: What are you talking about?
Jane: Don't you remember? We are going to Madame Tussaud" s Museum. It has wax models of famous people from all over the world. The models look like real people. The museum is very popu­lar with the tourists.
Alex: What time do we have to meet at?
 Jane: We have to meet at eight o'clock.
Alex: Oh, no! Eight o'clock? I don't like to get up early on Saturdays. Why do we have to meet so early?
Jane: We have to get there early. There is always a queue there on weekends.
Alex: Are we going to stand in a queue, too?
Jane: No, we are not. My parents will get there at half past seven and buy the tickets.
Alex: Brilliant, Jane! Shall I take my new camera with me?
J a n e: Of course! You will have a photo of you with the Queen!
Alex: That sounds great!
b)    After-reading activities
 Work in pairs. Talk with your friend about a place to visit. Discuss the questions:
the day and the time;
the tickets;
clothes to wear;
the place to meet;
what things to take with you, etc.
4. Listening
T.  Read and match the words with the symbols: turn right, turn left, go along, go into, go round, go out of, on the left, on the right.

    Excuse me. How can I get to the Musical Theatre?
    You should go along Weston Street, turn left into Denly Street. Go along Denly Street to the City Hospital, turn right and cross the road. Go along Oak Street to the "Odeon" cinema. Cross Oak Street and the theatre is on your right.
    Thank you very much. And how can I get to the bus station?
    Oh, it's easy. Go along Hill Street to the City Museum and cross Oak Street. Turn right and go along Oak Street to the supermarket. Cross Oak Street, turn left and go along Denly Street. The bus stop is on your right.
                2. After-Listening


IV.            SUMMING UP. Marks
1. Homework   
T: Do exercise 5 p. 129
2. Summarizing   and Marks
T: - What did we do at our lesson today?
           - What did you like the most?
           - You worked well and your marks are…
           - Let’s finish our lesson with the words.
                               I am a good pupil.
                               I am a better pupil.

                         I am the best pupil.

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